Stably moored in all weather conditions
ShoreTension® is the green solution for safe mooring
ShoreTension® is a revolutionary sustainable dynamic mooring system that can be flexibly deployed in any port or terminal where vessels of any type and class are handled. ShoreTension® reduces vessel movements caused by swell, strong wind, current or passing vessels by up to 90%.
Vessel motion reduction up to 90%
Shortens turnaroud time
No need of external energy
Worldwide monitoring

Horizontal ShoreTension System - HST
With the ShoreTension dynamic mooring system, vessels of any size can be firmly secured to a quay or jetty…

Horizontal ShoreTension System - Custom
Not every mooring location is suitable to facilitate the standard horizontal ShoreTension mooring system…

Vertical ShoreTension System - VST
The Vertical ShoreTension (“VST”) dynamic mooring system utilizes the same ShoreTension dampening technology…